The Ernst Göhner Foundation and the Federal Office for the Environment lend their support to NEXPO

17. Juni 2020, NEXPO Team

Funding confirmed for the NEXPLORER tour

NEXPLORER is our new public opinion survey on living together in the 21st century. Together, we want to find out what concerns us, what we want, what makes us happy and what doesn’t. NEXPLORER is constantly working to raise awareness of NEXPO’s key topics and serves as a compass for further project development.

Each year, the Ernst Göhner Foundation, based in Zug, contributes a considerable share of its profits to charitable purposes in the areas of culture, the environment and social affairs, as well as science and education. NEXPLORER is going on tour from August to mid-September 2020, backed by financial support from the Foundation in the amount of CHF 30,000.

The Federal Office for the Environment supports the pilot project “Urban Nature”

As one of NEXPO’s pilot projects, “Urban Nature” researches urban open spaces against the background of the increasing urbanisation of Swiss regions and challenges related to climate change, which are faced in particular by cities. The project is being undertaken in collaboration with the Geneva School of Engineering, Architecture and Landscape and the HSR University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil. The results of the student project will be published on the NEXPO platform and at NEXPO Rencontres #2 in September 2020.

The pilot project is being kindly assisted by the Federal Office for the Environment, which has provided CHF 15,000 from the “Nature and Landscape” loan.

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