NEXPO launches the new survey on the Switzerland of tomorrow

31. Juli 2020, NEXPO Team

We find out what the population is thinking and launch NEXPLORER. The new online survey shows what concerns us as a society and which topics will shape the next Swiss Expo. Those who take part will receive their own personalised Swiss cross.

What kind of tomorrow do we want future generations to have? Which effects of the coronavirus crisis would we find positive? What effect is digitalisation having on us? What should Switzerland definitely preserve? What does freedom mean today? And what is a Vreneli gold coin worth?

NEXPLORER wants to gauge the current mood in Switzerland and create a personalised Swiss cross for each and every person. The aim is to inspire people to think about the issues that are relevant for Swiss society. Together, we want to find out what concerns us, what we want, what makes us happy – and what doesn’t.

Get involved and receive your own personalised Swiss cross.

A compass of your own values

NEXPLORER is transforming the iconic Swiss cross into a personalised compass of values. Similarly to the Smartspider, the plan is to create a personalised profile based on the results of a comprehensive survey. The political profile will not be shown, however. The newly created Swiss cross will show a very personal image of values, attitudes and stances related to Switzerland.

The four arms of the cross stand for Here, There, Me and Us. Each arm consists of two axes, which represent values. “Here” stands for origin and nature, “There” for curiosity and technology, “Me” for freedom and power and, finally, “Us” for equality and loyalty. The configuration of the value axes is calculated on the basis of the individual answers given in the NEXPLORER survey.

Long-term survey in the early stages of NEXPO

NEXPO – the new Expo delves into one of the most important topics of the present day: social coexistence in the 21st century. In a process lasting several years and culminating in 2028, we’re inviting the Swiss population to formulate and develop new ideas and projects for the next Swiss Expo.

This process is supported by NEXPLORER. The values survey raises awareness of the key topics of the next Swiss Expo, and serves as a compass for further NEXPO project development.

Road show – on the go with NEXPLORER bike

NEXPLORER will be opened to the public on 1 August, when it will set off on a tour through Switzerland. To keep in contact with the Swiss population, the team of authors will make a number of stops during their tour on their specially made NEXPLORER bike between 1 and 26 August, visiting the cities of Lausanne (1 August), Zurich (5 August), Lucerne (8 August), Lugano (21 August), Winterthur (22 August) and Bern (26 August). At each of these places, people of all ages will have the chance to take part in the survey directly.

NEXPLORER is supported by the Mercator Foundation Switzerland, the Ernst Göhner Foundation and the Citizen Science Center of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich.

Authors: Johannes M. Hedinger (Com&Com), Michael Hermann (Sotomo), Juri Steiner, Anne-Outram Mott and Mathis Brauchbar (NEXPO).

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